miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

¡Fuimos nombrados escuela de la semana Water Explorer!

La semana del 18 de mayo fuimos elegidos escuela de la semana. Nos hizo mucha ilusión ver nuestro esfuerzo recompensado. Os dejamos el artículo que se publicó en la página, que nos hace mucha ilusión.
School Of The Week Goes To Team Los Watergummy!
Posted on 18 May 2015
Congratulations to CEIP Mata Linares in Spain for winning this week's Global School of the Week award!
This week’s winner was picked for their impressive newsreel entries. The school told us a bit about what motivated them to keep such a great blog:
“Through the Water Explorer blog we can inform followers of the content and the development of activities planned for the Water Explorer project. The blog allows us to reach a large audience, not just from our school but also from local, national & international communities. It also offers us the ability to encourage and motivate visitors to the blog to adopt conservation habits and respect for the environment. Hopefully, with this powerful tool, we can contribute to the formation and creation of active citizens in the rational use of natural resources.”
They have been capturing their activities with videos as well as written text and have even created their own independent blog to document their Water Explorer journey. View there blog here.
Fantastic work CEIP Mata Linares, keep an eye out for your Water Explorer prize to congratulate your hard work.  

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